Scheda Articolo

L’emblematico genere del meme

di Stefano Bartezzaghi

in Versus n. 135, Biosemiotica e antropocene / Biosemiotics and Anthropocene, pp.301-316

Abstract (italiano)

We can inscribe meme, as a textual genre, in a broader category of “textual regenerationµ, whose typology was described by Gérard Genette. Meme’s specificities are also: the anonymous or collective enunciation, the verbal-visual syncretism, the conversational and rythmic course of the communication, the pragmatic disposition to irony. We will analyze one meme in particular, which is very famous. We will see how it echoes the mythological figure of the Occasion, typical of the emblematic tradition of the Renaissance, and how, in our performance society, it could represent the memetic activities in itself