Scheda Articolo

Socio-sémiotique et sémiotique de la culture. Note de lecture et mise au point

di Eric Landowski

in Versus n. 114, From Analysis to Theory: Afterthoughts on the Semiotics of Culture, pp.11-21


Unlike Lotmanian semiotics, Greimas’ approach never claimed to be specifically a semiotics of culture. It rather aims at being a general theory of meaning. Nevertheless, it constantly overlaps with Yuri Lotman’s project, due to the simple fact that « meaning » is in itself a « cultural » construct. The article illustrates such interferences by presenting briefly a typology of « regimes of meaning » that can be used for comparative analysis of cultural specificities, whether in texts, practices or experience, according to the methods of sociosemiotics (a post-Greimasian development of the narrative grammar, based on a problematic of interaction).