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Prestito semiotico e accessibilità tra culture

di Francesco Galofaro

in Versus n. 114, From Analysis to Theory: Afterthoughts on the Semiotics of Culture, pp.75-91


Intersemiotic translation is an operation which substitutes the system of the expression plan in a manifestation, preserving the content plan. Specularly, it is possible to define semiotic borrowing as an operation which imports some elements or structures of the expression plan from a culture to another one. The stabilization of the borrowing in a culture leads to changes in its system of the content plan because of the introduction of new elements and the consequent re-organization of the relationships between its units. This definition aims to generalize the linguistic notion of borrowing to any cultural modelling system, in Lotman's terms: fashion system, music, arts, architecture and so on. Semiotic borrowing is an argument for a model aimed to explain the accessibility between different cultures and the dynamic of structural change in a diachronic dimension