Scheda Articolo
De quoi sont faits les systèmes sémiotiques
di Semir Badir
in Versus n. 115, L'albero e la rete. Ricognizione dello strutturalismo, pp.41-56
We study in this paper how semiotics developed the concepts of
contrariety and contradiction. If the semiotic square, our starting
point, seems at first glance to have much in common with the
logical square of opposition, we observe however that, under the
influence of the works of Jakobson, contrariety and contradiction
lose their symmetry. Indeed it is a fundamentally asymmetrical
conception that will gradually be recognizable in semiotics. It will
become completely patent through the integration, in the tensive
semiotics of Claude Zilberberg, of the theoretical concepts of exclusion
and participation proposed by Hjelmslev.