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L’Invenzione nel Trattato: le dinamiche della semiosi fra mutamento e istituzione / Invention into the Trattato di semiotica generale: the dynamics of Semiosis between Change and Institution

di Isabella Pezzini

in Versus n. 121, Rileggere un classico: il Trattato di semiotica generale 40 anni dopo / Rereading a classic: Trattato di semiotica generale 40 years later, pp.39-51

Abstract (italiano)

The article proposes a re-reading of A Theory of Semiotics, highlighting its highly dynamic building, which assigns to the semiosis the task of a continuous restructuring of semiotic systems at all levels of analysis. Within the chapter on “Modes of sign production”, this approach culminates in the thesis on “Invention”, particularly interesting for the obvious relation with aesthetic production, and for a series of theoretical questions in view of future developments.