Scheda Articolo
"Sprogbygning og Sprogbrug" di Louis Hjelmslev. Traduzione, note e commento
in Versus n. 123, Temi semiotici /Semiotic Themes: Ripensare alcune categorie chiave della semiotica, pp.193-214
Abstract (italiano)
Louis Hjelmslev’s Sprogbygning og Sprogbrug. Translation, Notes and Comment. The following work presents the translation of a very brief but theoretically dense relation, which Hjelmslev published in the Aarsberetning (1944) of Selskab for Nordiski Filologi, provided with the title containing the words of the one composed for the ch. 15 of Omkring Sprogteoriens Grundlæggelse just edited. It comprehends also textual annotations by the translator and a finale comment on the principal and crucial glossematic definitions and axioms from an developmental and diachronic stand of view with reference to some decisive conceptual steps of Hjelmslev’s theory. The complex notion of «norm» that at length and variously tormented the linguist, is the singularly prevailing one.