Scheda Articolo
Le corps, cet ennemi intime. La disjonction thymique
in Versus n. 132, La psicosemiotica: una disciplina di confine / Psychosemiotics. A boundary discipline, pp.37-54
Abstract (italiano)
The notion of structural dissociation designates, in psychotherapy, a safeguard mechanism against the risk of an untenable emotional response by the individual involved in a traumatic situation. Salmona (2010) introduces the term “disjunctionµ which we use to explore it under the light of psychosemiotics (Darrault-Harris et Klein 1993, 2012) and semiotics of the body (Fontanille 2011). The hypothesis is made that thymic disjunction is the result of the blocking of the reflexive instance, Soi-corps (Self-body), and the annihilation of the semiotic competence of knowing. It is also a mechanism of somatization: rejection of responsibility on the part of the reflexive instance on the body instance, Moi-chair (Me-flesh). The therapy requires contact with a thymic prosthesis and a rereading of the traumatic imprint. Constructing meaning will allow the body-actant to situate its experience in relation to the vast common patrimony of human mores. Our reflection is based on a few clinical cases.