Luìs J. Prieto: uno strutturalista "analitico"?
in Versus n. 115, L'albero e la rete. Ricognizione dello strutturalismo, pp.25-39
Abstract (english)
The purpose of this paper is to show how Luis Prieto (1926-1996), a pioneer in structural semiotics, although his thinking is deeply
rooted in classic structuralism (Saussure, Trubeckoij, Hjelmslev, Buyssens) from which he draws the core of his reflection, is surprisingly
close to the problems (and, often, the solutions) typical of analytic philosophy. First, the style (and thinking) of Prieto is quasi-analytic. Secondly, he deals with classic themes of analytic
philosophy (e. g. truth, reference, and the role of proper names).
Finally, just as the post-analytic philosophy of Searle, the semiotics of Prieto leads to a theory of institutions, that only death prevented him from developing.