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You can use advanced search options just adding some logical operators in the "Textual search" text-field:

  • no operator is like logical operator OR (ie. searching "semiotics culture" you will have results presenting the words "semiotics" and/or "culture")
  • + (plus) is like logical operator AND; a leading plus sign indicates that this word must be present in each row that is returned (ie. searching "+semiotics +visual" you will have results presenting both "semiotics" and "visual")
  • - (minus) is like logical operator NOT; a leading minus sign indicates that this word must not be present in any of the rows that are returned (ie. searching "musics -history" you will have all the results presenting the word "music" but those where there is also the word "history").
  • * (asterisk) asterisk serves as the truncation (or wildcard) operator. Unlike the other operators, it should be appended to the word to be affected. Words match if they begin with the word preceding the * operator (ie. searching "icon*" you will have results presenting words "icon", "iconic", "icona", "iconografia", "iconismo", ecc.).

You can find a complete list of logical operators on the official websitee of MySQL project.