VERSUS n. 49 (january-april 1988)

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edited by Massimo A. Bonfantini, Christian J. W. Kloesel

Charles Peirce and Honoré de Clairefont

by Christian J. W. Kloesel

pp. 5-18

Peirce's Search for a Method of Finding the Categories

by André De Tienne

pp. 19-30

On the Practical and the Theoretical in Charles S. Peirce

by Ursula Niklas

pp. 21-38

Peirce and Recent Realism

by Thomas Olshewsky

pp. 39-52

Charles S. Peirce's Object (of the Sign)

by M. Lucia Santaella Braga

pp. 53-58

Semiotics and the Art of Understanding

by Hanna Buczynska-Garewicz

pp. 59-63

Dreams: Such Stuff as Meanings are Made On

by Vincent Colapietro

pp. 65-79

The recovery of Religious Experience

by Vincent G. Potter

pp. 81-89

Charles Peirce and David Hume

by Don D. Roberts

pp. 91-102

Pragmaticism and 'Kantian Realism'

by Christopher Hookway

pp. 103-112

Über due Abgrenzung von Eigenschaften in der Peirceschen Kategorientheorie

by Klaus Oehler

pp. 113-119

Processive Emergence and the Peircean Categories

by Sandra B. Rosenthal

pp. 121-127

Abduction and History: A (Neo) Peircean Synthesis

by Massimo A. Bonfantini

pp. 129-137