Jean Petitot

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Jean Petitot is a semiotician, a philosopher of science, and a specialist of mathematical modeling in cognitive sciences. He is currently professor at the Ecole des Hautes en Sciences Sociales and at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris.

He is member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, of the Scientific Committee of the Ph.D. in Semiotics of the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Umane in Florence and of the International Center for Semiotic and Cognitive Studies (San Marino), and of other international semiotic associations. He is also member of the Editorial Board of many journals.

Well known for his morphodynamical models for semiotic structures, he is the author of "Morphogenèse du sens" (Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1985; Bompiani, Milano, 1990; Peter Lang, Bern, 2004), "Physique du Sens" (CNRS, Paris, 1992), "Morphologie et Esthétique" (Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2004), "Per un nuovo illuminismo" (Bompiani, Milano, 2009) and more than 300 papers. He is also the editor of "Logos et Théorie des Catastrophes" (Cerisy conference on René Thom, Patiño, Genève, 1988), "Au Nom du Sens" (Cerisy conference on Umberto Eco, Grasset, Paris, 2000), "Naturalizing Phenomenology" (Stanford University Press, 1999).

Published articles:

Aspects du structuralisme dynamique Aspects of Dynamic Structuralism

by Jean Petitot

in Versus n. 118, Semiotica e matematiche/Semiotics and Mathematics, pp. 11-61