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121, Rileggere un classico: il Trattato di semiotica generale 40 anni dopo / Rereading a classic: Trattato di semiotica generale 40 years later

july-december 2015

edited by Anna Maria Lorusso, Claudio Paolucci, Patrizia Violi

pp. 144

120, Peirceana three. Sull’iconismo / On Iconism

january-june 2015

edited by Francesco Bellucci, Claudio Paolucci

pp. 158

119, Traces of Terror, Signs of Trauma

july-december 2014

edited by Rob van der Laarse, Francesco Mazzucchelli, Carlos Reijnen

pp. 177

118, Semiotica e matematiche/Semiotics and Mathematics

january-june 2014

edited by Franco Lo Piparo, Francesco La Mantia, Claudio Paolucci

pp. 202

117, Miscellaneo

july-december 2013

pp. 121

116, Politiche della memoria. Uno sguardo semiotico

january-june 2013

edited by TraMe

pp. 156

115, L'albero e la rete. Ricognizione dello strutturalismo

july-december 2012

edited by Cosimo Caputo

pp. 113

114, From Analysis to Theory: Afterthoughts on the Semiotics of Culture

january-june 2012

edited by Valentina Pisanty, Stefano Traini

pp. 155

112-113, The External Mind. Perspectives on Semiosis, Distribution and Situation in Cognition

january-december 2011

edited by Riccardo Fusaroli, Tommaso Granelli, Claudio Paolucci

pp. 245









12, Miscellanea

september-december 1975

pp. 136

11, Miscellanea

may-august 1975

pp. 128

10, Miscellanea

january-april 1975

pp. 114

8-9, Miscellanea

may-december 1974

edited by Ugo Volli, Patrizia Magli, Omar Calabrese

pp. 280

7, Miscellanea

january-april 1974

pp. 120

6, Miscellanea

september-december 1973

pp. 136

5, Miscellanea

may-august 1973

pp. 136

4, Miscellanea

january-april 1973

pp. 136

3, Miscellanea

september 1972

pp. 136

2, Miscellanea

january-april 1972

pp. 139

1, Miscellanea

september 1971

pp. 132