VERSUS n. 120 (gennaio-giugno 2015)
Peirceana three. Sull’iconismo / On Iconism
a cura di Francesco Bellucci, Claudio Paolucci
Isbn: NA ISSN: 0393-8255

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Since the two Peirceana issues of VS of 1988 and 1990, much has changed in Peirce scholarship. The present issue deals with Peirce’s notions of iconism and iconic sign, which are addressed by different and complementary perspectives. For Peirce an icon is not simply a sign that resembles its object, but more precisely a sign by the perception of which other truths concerning its object can be discovered than those that were contained in the instructions for its construction. This idea has become central in current research on diagrammatic thinking, philosophy of logic and mathematics, and visual and cognitive semiotics.
Peirce e l’iconismo / Peirce and Iconism
di Francesco Bellucci, Claudio Paolucci
pp. 3-13
Peirce e la teoria medievale delle relazioni, 1865-1867 / Peirce and the Medieval Theory of Relations, 1865-1867
pp. 15-29
Poinsot versus Peirce on Merging with Reality by Sharing a Quality
pp. 31-43
The Problem of Resemblance in Peirce’s Semiotics and Philosophy
pp. 45-59
Phenomenological dream. Allucinazione semiotica e manipolazione digitale / Phenomenological Dream. Semiotic Hallucination and Digital Manipulation
di Riccardo Finocchi, Antonio Perri
pp. 61-78
Il rapporto tra icone, indici e percezione attraverso le riflessioni di Peirce sulla fotografia / The Relation between Icons, Indices, and Perception in Peirce’s Remarks on Photography
di Francesco Parisi, Paola Pennisi
pp. 79-91
Il corpo come icona. Abduzione, strumenti ed Embodied Simulation / The Body as an Icon. Abduction, Tools, and Embodied Simulation
di Valentina Cuccio, Fausto Caruana
pp. 93-103
Suono e linguaggio audiovisivo: indicalità, percezione sonora, iconismo / Sound and Audiovisual Language: Indexicality, Sound Perception, Iconicity.
pp. 105-120
Peirce e Wittgenstein su parentesi e altri segni. Un contributo alla storia della filosofia della notazione / Peirce and Wittgenstein on Parentheses and Other Signs. A Contribution to the History of the Philosophy of Notation
pp. 121-134
Iconismo primario e gnoseologia semiotica: un percorso tra Peirce ed Eco / Primary Iconism and Semiotic Gnoseology: an Itinerary between Peirce and Eco
pp. 135-150