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135, Biosemiotica e antropocene / Biosemiotics and Anthropocene

july-december 2022

edited by Felice Cimatti

pp. 170

134, Desemantizzare / Risemantizzare

january-june 2022

edited by Alice Giannitrapani

pp. 175

133, From Sociology to Semiotics, and to Sociosemiotics Starting from Paolo Fabbri’s Research

july-december 2021

edited by Gianfranco Marrone

pp. 205

132, La psicosemiotica: una disciplina di confine / Psychosemiotics. A boundary discipline

january-june 2021

edited by Ivan Darrault-Harris, Patrizia Violi

pp. 157

131, Futuro. Un tempo della storia / Future. A Time of History

july-december 2020

edited by Jorge Lozano, Daniele Salerno

pp. 181

130, Semiotica della dissimulazione / Semiotics of Concealment

january-june 2020

edited by Alessandra Pozzo

pp. 182

129, Dalla parte del lettore. Lector in fabula quarant'anni anni dopo / On the Reader's Side: Lector in Fabula, Forty Years Later

july-december 2019

edited by Isabella Pezzini

pp. 182

128, Forme di vita, forme del corpo / Forms of Life, Forms of the Body: Case Studies

january-june 2019

edited by Gianfranco Marrone, Francesco Mazzucchelli

pp. 182

127, Fake News, Misinformation/Disinformation, Post-Truth

july-december 2018

edited by Piero Polidoro

pp. 360

126, Présences de Versus / Presence of Versus

january-june 2018

edited by Denis Bertrand, Anne Beyaert-Geslin

pp. 184

125, Appearance Screens. Technologies, Imagination, Forms of Life between Semiotics and Aesthetics

july-december 2017

edited by Riccardo Finocchi, Isabella Pezzini

pp. 205

124, Sensorial Effectiveness. Sensoriality, immediacy, and presence in audiovisual media

january-june 2017

edited by Costantino Maeder, Lucio Spaziante

pp. 178

123, Temi semiotici /Semiotic Themes: Ripensare alcune categorie chiave della semiotica

july-december 2016

pp. 207

122, Empirical Research in Semiotics

january-june 2016

edited by Guido Ferraro, Aldo Nemesio

pp. 188





85-86-87, Sulla traduzione intersemiotica

january-december 2000

edited by Nicola Dusi, Siri Nergaard

pp. 476

83-84, Reconfiguring Cultural Semiotics

january 1999

edited by Fabio Rambelli, Patrizia Violi

pp. 284

82, La traduzione

january-april 1999

edited by Giovanna Franci, Siri Nergaard

pp. 185

80-81, Miscellanea

may-december 1998

pp. 254

79, Voci e rumori: la propagazione della parola

january-april 1998

edited by Paolo Fabbri, Isabella Pezzini

pp. 157

77-78, The Concept of Intertextuality Thirty Years On: 1967-1997

may-december 1997

edited by Andrea Bernardelli

pp. 217

76, Soggettività femminile e scrittura poetica

january-april 1997

edited by Patrizia Violi

pp. 133

75, Miscellanea

september-december 1996

pp. 127

73-74, La spazialità: valori, strutture, testi

january-august 1996

edited by Sandra Cavicchioli

pp. 248






12, Miscellanea

september-december 1975

pp. 136

11, Miscellanea

may-august 1975

pp. 128

10, Miscellanea

january-april 1975

pp. 114

8-9, Miscellanea

may-december 1974

edited by Ugo Volli, Patrizia Magli, Omar Calabrese

pp. 280

7, Miscellanea

january-april 1974

pp. 120

6, Miscellanea

september-december 1973

pp. 136

5, Miscellanea

may-august 1973

pp. 136

4, Miscellanea

january-april 1973

pp. 136

3, Miscellanea

september 1972

pp. 136

2, Miscellanea

january-april 1972

pp. 139

1, Miscellanea

september 1971

pp. 132