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135, Biosemiotica e antropocene / Biosemiotics and Anthropocene

july-december 2022

edited by Felice Cimatti

pp. 170

134, Desemantizzare / Risemantizzare

january-june 2022

edited by Alice Giannitrapani

pp. 175

133, From Sociology to Semiotics, and to Sociosemiotics Starting from Paolo Fabbri’s Research

july-december 2021

edited by Gianfranco Marrone

pp. 205

132, La psicosemiotica: una disciplina di confine / Psychosemiotics. A boundary discipline

january-june 2021

edited by Ivan Darrault-Harris, Patrizia Violi

pp. 157

131, Futuro. Un tempo della storia / Future. A Time of History

july-december 2020

edited by Jorge Lozano, Daniele Salerno

pp. 181

130, Semiotica della dissimulazione / Semiotics of Concealment

january-june 2020

edited by Alessandra Pozzo

pp. 182

129, Dalla parte del lettore. Lector in fabula quarant'anni anni dopo / On the Reader's Side: Lector in Fabula, Forty Years Later

july-december 2019

edited by Isabella Pezzini

pp. 182

128, Forme di vita, forme del corpo / Forms of Life, Forms of the Body: Case Studies

january-june 2019

edited by Gianfranco Marrone, Francesco Mazzucchelli

pp. 182

127, Fake News, Misinformation/Disinformation, Post-Truth

july-december 2018

edited by Piero Polidoro

pp. 360

126, Présences de Versus / Presence of Versus

january-june 2018

edited by Denis Bertrand, Anne Beyaert-Geslin

pp. 184

125, Appearance Screens. Technologies, Imagination, Forms of Life between Semiotics and Aesthetics

july-december 2017

edited by Riccardo Finocchi, Isabella Pezzini

pp. 205

124, Sensorial Effectiveness. Sensoriality, immediacy, and presence in audiovisual media

january-june 2017

edited by Costantino Maeder, Lucio Spaziante

pp. 178

123, Temi semiotici /Semiotic Themes: Ripensare alcune categorie chiave della semiotica

july-december 2016

pp. 207

122, Empirical Research in Semiotics

january-june 2016

edited by Guido Ferraro, Aldo Nemesio

pp. 188


121, Rileggere un classico: il Trattato di semiotica generale 40 anni dopo / Rereading a classic: Trattato di semiotica generale 40 years later

july-december 2015

edited by Anna Maria Lorusso, Claudio Paolucci, Patrizia Violi

pp. 144

120, Peirceana three. Sull’iconismo / On Iconism

january-june 2015

edited by Francesco Bellucci, Claudio Paolucci

pp. 158

119, Traces of Terror, Signs of Trauma

july-december 2014

edited by Rob van der Laarse, Francesco Mazzucchelli, Carlos Reijnen

pp. 177

118, Semiotica e matematiche/Semiotics and Mathematics

january-june 2014

edited by Franco Lo Piparo, Francesco La Mantia, Claudio Paolucci

pp. 202

117, Miscellaneo

july-december 2013

pp. 121

116, Politiche della memoria. Uno sguardo semiotico

january-june 2013

edited by TraMe

pp. 156

115, L'albero e la rete. Ricognizione dello strutturalismo

july-december 2012

edited by Cosimo Caputo

pp. 113

114, From Analysis to Theory: Afterthoughts on the Semiotics of Culture

january-june 2012

edited by Valentina Pisanty, Stefano Traini

pp. 155

112-113, The External Mind. Perspectives on Semiosis, Distribution and Situation in Cognition

january-december 2011

edited by Riccardo Fusaroli, Tommaso Granelli, Claudio Paolucci

pp. 245






57, Miscellanea

september-december 1990

pp. 144

55-56, Peirceana Two

january-august 1990

edited by Massimo A. Bonfantini, Christian J. W. Kloesel

pp. 183

54, Miscellanea

september-december 1989

pp. 114

52-53, Il lettore: modelli, processi ed effetti dell'interpretazione

january-may 1989

edited by Mauro Ferraresi, Paola Pugliatti

pp. 168

50-51, Signs of Antiquity/Antiquity of Signs

may-december 1988

edited by Giovanni Manetti

pp. 223

49, Peirceana

january-april 1988

edited by Massimo A. Bonfantini, Christian J. W. Kloesel

pp. 145

47-48, Affettività  e sistemi semiotici. Le passioni nel discorso

may-december 1987

edited by Paolo Fabbri, Isabella Pezzini

pp. 246

46, Fakes, Identity and the Real Thing

january-april 1987

pp. 146

44-45, Meaning and Mental Representations

may-january 1986

edited by Umberto Eco, Marco Santambrogio, Patrizia Violi

pp. 251

43, Louis Hjelmslev

january-april 1986

edited by Alessandro Zinna

pp. 171


